Construction Assistant

I'll tell you something clever that ChatGPT helped me with the other day: my son asked if we could create a cardboard conveyor belt together. Absolutely, let's see what resources we have: paper, sticky tape and a few cardboard boxes. Well, we did okay to start with, but the physics of a functional conveyor belt are harder to execute successfully than you might at first imagine..!

I took a photo of what we had made so far and asked ChatGPT to help us with the next steps - immediately, it looked at the photo, understood what resources we had available, and provided us with clear step-by-step guidance on how to make the conveyor belt work as desired.

Then, hey presto - we finished the conveyor belt, it worked successfully, and we continued to build it up and add to our play world. How many times have you gotten stuck with a craft project or a DYI task and thought, 'Using what I've got, where do I go from here?', especially in the classroom?

I’ll show you some of the dialogue from my conversation with ChatGPT on this project. This is from when I uploaded a photo of my progress so far, and I said:

Craig: Okay, this is where things are at currently. Take a look at this photo, what do you recommend I do next?

ChatGPT: Great start, Craig! You're on the right track. Let's build on what you've done so far:

Next Steps:

  1. Secure the Tubes:

    • Make sure the cardboard tubes are firmly secured in the boxes to prevent them from moving. You can use tape or glue to fix them in place if they are loose.

  2. Tighten the Belt:

    • It looks like the paper belt might need a bit more tension to stay in place and turn smoothly. Here are two methods to tighten it:

    Method 1: Rubber Bands or String

    • Attach rubber bands or string to the ends of the tubes where they stick out of the boxes.

    • Use the notches you cut earlier (if you haven't, cut small notches now) to hold the rubber bands or string in place.

    • Secure the other end of the rubber bands or string to the boxes to create tension.

    Method 2: Adjusting Paper Belt Length

    • If the paper belt is too long, you can cut a bit off and re-tape or glue the ends to make it tighter around the tubes.

  3. Check Rotation:

    • Manually rotate one of the tubes to see if the paper belt moves smoothly. Adjust the tension as needed by tightening or loosening the rubber bands or string.

  4. Handles for Ease of Use:

    • To make it easier for your son to turn the conveyor belt, you can attach small handles to the ends of the tubes sticking out of the boxes. You can make handles from small pieces of cardboard or any lightweight material you have at home.

  5. Smooth Movement:

    • Ensure the surface of the boxes where the belt moves is smooth. If needed, you can add some tape or paper to create a smoother surface for the belt to slide on.