Rhythm, Insight, Play

Leveraging AI for Executive Functioning Support

This year has been a mind-opening experience for me in terms of how generative AI can positively contribute to daily life. There are certain routines and processes that I’ve incorporated into my lifestyle that have made a significant difference to my health, executive functioning and creative success. At the same time, I’ve talked and worked with a range of individuals, many of them with neurodivergent minds, who have tried these processes as well and found it has added value to their lives.

As a result, I’ve pulled together a collection of AI-fuelled routines and processes that I’m calling the ‘Rhythm, Insight and Play’ model. I’m cautious about creating any sort of system - I take Nietzsche’s words to heart, when he says he distrusts all systematisers. I agree, we shouldn’t try to create structured models out of everything, because humans are not clockwork machines - we are multidimensional beings evolving through time and space in random, incomplete and uncertain ways, and we should honour that. We contain multitudes, and we are part of a growing collective imagination unlike anything that came before.

The three components are:

Rhythm: Cater to your executive functioning by building routines that support planning, organising, task initiation, and prioritisation, helping you find a productive and balanced flow in your daily life.

Insight: Gain increased clarity and self-awareness by reflecting on your patterns and behaviours. Ease cognitive load by outsourcing aspects of memory and identifying recurring themes in your mind.

Play: Blend ideas, break boundaries, and experiment with new levels of play as you have fun with narratives and concepts, using AI as a tool for artistic and intellectual discovery.

Here’s an example of how the components link -

I start the day by talking through my upcoming tasks and priorities with AI (I use the Voice Chat mode in ChatGPT, but there are many ways to engage with this process). These might be job requirements or family responsibilities. I ask AI to help me organise these requirements and to help set a priority order for how I address them. I can ask it to help me consider how long to spend on each task, when I should set reminders so I don’t forget to move onto the next part of my day, and I can also request that it micro-chunk certain tasks if I’m going to need help knowing how to start and finish. This is the Rhythm part of the process.

But Rhythm isn’t only about organising your daily tasks. It is about sharing your thoughts and feelings as well, to debrief with AI about what’s in your head, about how you’re handling everything. It can be about sharing memories, about looking deep into the past and connecting it to who you are today. This is also the sort of dialogue that comprises Rhythm.


From here, I move onto Insight where I can offload my notes onto AI, easing my cognitive load through the use of this second-brain. Through engaging with the Rhythm section each day, you can end up with an abundance of notes across the week that are often not put to good use after they’ve been utilised. However, AI can help you find themes and patterns within your notes that can lead to greater self-insight. Here’s an example - you might ask AI to help you categorise all the different sort of tasks you do across the week, to get a better understanding of how you spend your time.

Okay, but there is a greater level of insight to be gained here - what if you also ask AI to correlate the sort of tasks you do across the week with how you feel, with how you are changing over time. It might identify that when you do X, Y and Z across the week it makes you feel A, B and C - but, when you have an opportunity to do other things, you feel very differently about yourself and your worldview. This is an Insight not readily gained during the busy pace of any given week, without the help of AI.


Play is the other critical piece of the process, for me. Play can be a form of necessary rest, allowing your mind to explore things completely disconnected from the responsibilities of work or caring for others. However, Play is also an opportunity for self-invention and reinvention. It can be about expanding the multiplicity of who you are, allowing you to explore different aspects of yourself and your identity. Through Play, you can remix narratives from your own life, mash-up versions of your own story (as gained through your Rhythm notes correlated through Insight), and open up pathways for evolving different versions of yourself.

For example, I might start by asking AI to create a new story combining some of my favourite narratives - tell me the outline of a story that combines the plot of Gravity’s Rainbow, the biography of Samuel Beckett’s formative years, the combined emotional trajectory of alternative rock song lyrics between nineteen ninety-three and the year two thousand, and the character development of Goethe’s Faust.

Then, take what you know of me and add me into the plot to recast the second-half of my life ;-)

Prompts and Examples

Here are some ways of getting started with Rhythm, Insight and Play:



Prompt 1: Daily Task Organisation

Prompt: “I have several tasks I need to complete today, but I’m not sure where to start. Can you help me organise and prioritise them based on importance and the time they’ll take? I’ll tell you what I’ve got on - [share your tasks and responsibilities].”

Example AI Response: “Let’s start by prioritising your tasks. Begin with Task A, as it’s the most time-sensitive and requires your peak focus. Follow up with Task B, which is a quick win and will give you a sense of accomplishment. Then, tackle Task C, which is more time-consuming but less urgent. Finally, wrap up with Task D, which can be done at any time.”


Prompt 2: Task Initiation

Prompt: “I’ve been procrastinating on starting a particular task. Can you suggest some small steps I can take this morning to get the ball rolling?”

Example AI Response: “I’m here to help. First, tell me what you need to do—what’s the task that’s been on your mind? Once I know a bit more, we can break it down into manageable steps and find the best way for you to approach it. Then, let’s break the task down into micro-tasks to get you started.”


Prompt 3: Embracing Echoes of the Past

Prompt: “Some memories have been echoing in my mind lately, just brief flashes of the past. Can we explore these echoes together, simply enjoying their presence without needing to understand them fully?”

Example AI Response: “Let’s embrace those echoes. What’s the first memory that comes to mind? Describe it briefly, as if you’re catching a glimpse of something familiar. We don’t need to dissect it—let’s just appreciate the way it lingers and the quiet connection it gives you to your past.”


Prompt 1: Analysing Weekly Activity Patterns

Prompt: “I’ve been doing a lot of different tasks this week, but I’m not sure what patterns are emerging. Can you help me identify any themes or patterns in what I’ve been working on? Here are the notes on my tasks that we’ve discussed this week [copy and paste from AI conversation or other note taking software].”

Example AI Response: “Sure! Let’s look at the different tasks you’ve completed this week. From what you’ve shared, I notice a pattern of spending more time on creative tasks in the afternoons and more analytical work in the mornings. This suggests that you might naturally lean into creative thinking later in the day. We can explore how to optimise your schedule around this pattern to enhance your productivity and well-being.”


Prompt 2: Correlating Activities with Emotions

Prompt: “I’ve been feeling a flux of different emotions throughout the week, but I’m not sure what’s causing them. Highs and lows. Can you help me see if there’s a connection between my activities and how I’m feeling? Here are my morning notes from the week [copy and paste from AI conversation or other note taking software].”

Example AI Response: “Let’s take a closer look at your activities and emotions. It seems that you feel more positive and energised when you’re working on one-off projects or presentations that require a burst of creativity and focus. These tasks give you a sense of immediate accomplishment. On the other hand, you tend to feel less enthused when working on long-term projects where the end result isn’t as clear or immediate. This insight suggests that incorporating more short-term, high-energy tasks into your routine could help maintain your motivation, while also finding ways to break down long-term projects into more manageable, satisfying milestones.”


Prompt 3: Uncovering Hidden Patterns

Prompt: “I’ve been going through my week, but I feel like there might be patterns or connections in my activities and emotions that I’m not seeing. Can you help me uncover anything that I might not realise is happening? Here are my morning notes from the week [copy and paste from AI conversation or other note taking software].”

Example AI Response: “Let’s dig a little deeper into your week. Upon reviewing your activities and emotions, I’ve noticed a subtle pattern: you tend to feel more drained and unproductive on days following evenings where you skip your usual wind-down routine, like reading or light exercise. Additionally, I see that your energy levels seem to dip on days when you’ve had multiple back-to-back meetings, even if those meetings seemed to go well. This suggests that your energy might be more tied to your evening habits and the cumulative effect of meetings than you initially realised. Recognising these patterns could help you make small adjustments, like protecting your evening routine and spacing out meetings, to improve your overall well-being.”


Prompt 1: Time-Traveling through the Meadow

Prompt: “I’m on a walk through the meadow and I want to imagine it as a portal through time, where different eras and stories unfold around me as I move. Can you help me visualise this?”

Example AI Response: “As you walk through the meadow, imagine that each step takes you further back in time. With the first few steps, the meadow is as it is now—peaceful, with the morning sun warming the earth. But as you continue, the flowers begin to change, transforming into species that haven’t existed for centuries. The air feels different, thicker with the scent of ancient trees and untamed earth. Soon, you find yourself in a prehistoric landscape, where towering ferns and strange, colorful birds surround you. A few steps later, the scene shifts again, and you’re in the midst of a medieval fair, with tents and banners fluttering in the breeze, the sound of music and laughter carried on the wind. Each step through the meadow is a journey through a different time, allowing you to experience the layered history of this simple yet magical place.”


Prompt 2: Creative Role-Playing

Prompt: “I’d like to explore a different side of myself by role-playing a character who is completely unlike me. Can you help me create a scenario where I can step into this new persona?”

Example AI Response: “Let’s create a character who is socially outgoing and thrives on the energy of being around others. Imagine you’re the life of the party, effortlessly charming everyone you meet. You walk into a bustling café where a local event is happening—a poetry slam or an impromptu open mic. Without a second thought, you jump on stage, grabbing the mic with confidence. You introduce yourself with a bold joke, instantly connecting with the crowd. As you perform, you’re fearless, not worrying about how you’re perceived but instead relishing in the shared experience with the audience. This character is someone who lives in the moment, enjoying every social interaction as an opportunity to connect and express themselves boldly and without hesitation. What’s your next move?”


Prompt 3: Story Mash-Ups

Prompt: “I’m in the mood to create something fun and unexpected. Can you help me mash up the plots of Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald and the storyline from Final Fantasy XV into a single story outline?”

Example AI Response: “Let’s blend the introspective, meandering journey of Rings of Saturn with the epic, fantastical quest of Final Fantasy XV. Imagine a protagonist who embarks on a contemplative journey across a war-torn, surreal landscape that mirrors Sebald’s melancholic reflection on history and decay. As in Final Fantasy XV, the protagonist is accompanied by a close-knit group of companions—each with their own burdens and secrets—as they travel through ruined cities and haunted forests, seeking to uncover the truth behind a lost civilization.

The story oscillates between the deeply personal reflections of the protagonist—who is grappling with themes of loss, memory, and the passage of time—and the high-stakes battles against mythical creatures that represent the remnants of this ancient world. The landscape is both a character in its own right and a symbol of the protagonist’s inner turmoil. As they move closer to their destination, the line between reality and memory blurs, leading to an ambiguous, haunting conclusion where the journey’s true meaning is left open to interpretation, much like the layered narratives of Sebald’s work.”

The way to tie all this together, to embed a flow of Rhythm, Insight and Play into a workable weekly process, is to consider the tools you’re using to engage with AI and note taking. I’m intentionally agnostic here - you’ll find what works best for you. For me, I use ChatGPT for my daily conversations and use Voice Mode to talk aloud with headphones on as go on a wander with my dog. Then, I copy the transcript of our conversation into Obsidian, my note taking app. Later, I move those notes back from Obsidian into ChatGPT for further inquiry and discussion. From there, the cycle continues :-)

If you are using the above processes or similar in your life, I’d love to hear more about it. Get in touch via the Contact form.